When I left my note, I was quite happy with the part I had played. I had been pleasantly surprised by a message, delivered by chance, from a mysterious writer (a dreamer?). The messenger had waited and I eventually wrote a note of my own, entrusting chance to deliver it to someone (the same one?) or maybe no one at all. If the whole thing, from my view, ended right there, it would have been a fun, short story and I would have been happy for my role in it.
But the story doesn't end there. My note got delivered and another one came my way. And now we have a rally going, like trying to keep a beach ball in the air. Part of the fun is finessing and fumbling to keep that ball going. Bounce, bounce, bounce... But even as I get caught up in playing, I do want you to know that I appreciate your thoughts and your generosity in sharing snippets of you. Thank you for sharing your art. I would like to respond in kind, but as someone who spends more time imagining than creating, I'm not yet sure what I can offer. In the meantime, I can keep the ball in the air maybe let you know a little more about me.
I've collected all sorts of paper scraps, stubs, cards and other cut-outs into a small tin. The many little slips of paper describe things about me. I have hidden the tin in a tree. Go to the Philosopher's Walk. If you start at the north entrance, just off of **** St. between the **** and the Conservatory of Music and follow the path towards the **** buildings, you will pass a small bridge with metal railings on your left. If you continue and then move down towards the trees on your left, you'll find that one of them has the tin tied into its branches. You'll have to go right under the tree and look up to see it. I hope you don't mind this little adventure. Though I think I've done a good job of hiding it, I hope that the tin is still there if and when you go to retrieve it.
I hope you have a great day.
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